Cookie Clicker is a very click-heavy game that requires a lot of attention. Let's automate it with AskUI's Vision Agent.
Vision agents are a new form of technology designed to change how we interact with our computers.
Real interactivity is what characterizes what an end-user is doing on a User Interface (UI). This is why it is important to extract data from your....
Debugging UI-Automations can be a real pain especially when you run them inside a Pipeline with no chance to observe what is actually happening during
When you develop UI-Automations you often run into the problem that they fail inexplicably 😥. This leads to frustration and oftentimes stops the ....
Automating Flutter app is quite a challenge due to its benefits of being cross-platform. We show how askui can be leveraged to automate an example ...
This tutorial shows how to use askui to automate an android app built with Flutter.
In this tutorial, we will automate web browser searching on Android devices. This tutorial assumes that you have already set up your Android test d...
This tutorial will show you how you can utilize askuis get()-command to write more powerful automation. With the get()-command you can extract the ...
This tutorial will show you how to zip files on your filesystem and then upload them to Google Drive on Windows OS. The goal is to show you a lot o ..
In this tutorial, we will explain how all the different relational selectors work in askui, so you get a thorough understanding of them. Relationa ...